What is the Perfect Routine?

Everyone is different, but this is what my morning looks like.

  • First thing in the morning I drink a glass of water before I even get out of bed.  I bring a glass of water to bed with me every night. Drinking a glass of water first thing helps with dehydration.  During the night our organs are detoxing and using every drop of fluid to clean and regenerate our cells. Wake up every day at the same time.  Even on weekends, waking at the same time helps with your body regulate your inner clock.
  • Get out of bed!  I take a walk first thing. We walk the dog, living in Miami, we can walk almost every day.  Depending on the day, we walk from 25 to 45 minutes a day.  
  • Because I am an introvert ( I recharge by being by myself more about this in a coming blog), I take about 30 minutes to look at my calendar, write down my 3 most important things I need to take care of today, and then start to fill my calendar with to -do’s.  I always leave some buffer time to relax and get away from everything. I then write in my gratitude journal, at least 2 things I am grateful for today., and then at least 1 accomplishment from the past. Confidence builder!
  • A brief stretch, and few minutes of yoga helps get the blood flowing
  • Then it’s time for my shower and while showering, I remind myself , “ If today was the last day of your life, would you still want to do what your about to do today?”  Sometimes I make changes most of the time, I’m ready to start my day.
  • Upon returning to the kitchen, I go over my day with my husband, and we discuss what we each have going on.  Again,sometimes my calendar changes, and sometimes his does. I am doing intermittent fasting so ( more on this in a future blog) I do not have breakfast until 11:30.  I grab my yogurt, and away I go to work.
  • During the day, I take a few minutes to go for a brisk walk, or do a little bouncing on a rebounder, or stretch at my desk.   

How do you start your day?  

Other articles to help you design your best day!



Have a FABULOUS Day!

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