Never shop on Sundays – The store is filled with last minute shoppers and usually people combining their trip to church and grocery shopping for the week. Not to mention the groceries are usually picked through over the weekend! However, that is when I do my shopping, first thing in the morning, while everyone is still in bed! 🙂

Always shop with a list – you can move more efficiently through the store. Group like items on your list and stick to it. I create my menus on Saturday, check to see what I need then shop on Sunday morning.

Never shop hungry!– this is very important. If your hungry everything will look good and you will have a hard time sticking to your list. It will be hard to stick to healthy options, when you are hungry, temptation is so easy to fa;; into.

Bring your own bags-I don’t have to tell you that the plastic bags are bad for the environment.

Start shopping the perimeter first- this is the golden rule! Most grocery stories have fresh vegetables, fruit, then proteins, and dairy on the perimeter walls. These should be the first items you throw into your cart. Shop the isles after, and only select what you have to to prepare your meals.

Grab vegetables from the back of the back of the shelf. It is colder in the back and the vegetables and fruit will be fresher.

Don’t buy it just because its on sale! – this is a hard one for my husband! Check the per ounce cost and compare just because its on sale doesn’t mean its the best buy! Or that you will use it!

Sign up for discount cards-easier than the coupon days

Help the Bagger-I know its their job, but a little kindness can go a long way. Never know when you will need assistance to the car in the future. Plus, they will learn how you like your groceries bagged.

One last hint – to make grocery shopping fun.…….ok, make it bearable since I don’t like grocery shopping……use an app. I use Grocery Gadget…its a great little app. You can create multiple lists. The list is shareable so more than one person can stop and shop. As you shop you click off what is in your basket, and it has a check out feature that clears the list. Also, the items stay in the app so you don’t have to add it again in the future.

Check out this great Menu Board

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