Category: Informational (Page 2 of 2)

Energy, Vibrations & Frequency

Everything has energy! Example, humans, plants, your thoughts, and even the chair you are sitting on right now. They all have electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. It is commonly referred to as a “life force”.

Vibrations are the vibrations of atoms and particles caused by energy. Even solid items like tables have vibrating atoms that receive, store and emit energy. Therefore, everyone and everything has an energy field.(vibrational frequency).

Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) units. Understanding how high and low frequencies interact can be beneficial to your health. A healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz. When your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when disease starts. Your frequency is in relation to your environment. Your environment can contribute to low frequencies and therefore lower your MHz. When this happens your immune system becomes compromised which allows bacteria and viruses to wreak havoc on your body. Trapped emotions can also play a part in compromising your immune system.

What can we do to improve our frequencies?

  • Think positive- Our thoughts are vibrations. Kindness, gratitude, and joy can raise your frequencies. Stay away from negative people.
  • Eat as many live organic foods as you can. Plants have a very high vibration levels
  • Essential oils contain frequencies that are several times greater.
  • If you would like the rest of the list, please email me :; or

Stay safe and watch for more suggestions on how to keep our bodies working to our best self!

You Don’t Get What You Wish For, You Get What You Work For

I listened to a great Facebook video this morning. The speaker was Jim Larsen, author of ” Green Ninja”. Have you ever listened to someone and thought they were speaking to you directly. I swear he could see me nodding my head, and confirming what I have been feeling the last few months! It was like he was sitting across from me, sharing a cup of coffee.

Then a caption shows up, ” How to stop being lazy”. Ummm! Here is the link for you to read this article. Also, look up Jim Larsen, he has YouTube videos and great information. Not only for network marketers, but for anyone who is trying to reach goals!


Have a Fabulous Week!



  • What are the Common Symptoms?
    • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed
    •  Sadness, or an “empty” feeling, or appearing sad or tearful to others
    • Significant weight loss, without dieting, and a loss of appetite.  Significant weight gain
    • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
    • Irritability or feelings of  “dragging”
    • Fatigue or loss of energy
    • Feelings of worthlessness or  inappropriate guilt
    • Difficulty concentrating, or indecisiveness
    • Recurrent thoughts of death

Everyone gets the blues, or feelings of sadness, especially if they have gone thru a recent difficult time.  Most of the time you know you will bounce back, and you do.  But, what if you don’t bounce back?  This is known as clinical depression. Almost 18.8 million American adults experience depression each year, and women are nearly twice as likely as men to develop major depression. Treatment with counseling, medication, or both is key to recovery.

When should you get help?

If you have 5 or more of these symptoms, for more than 2 weeks, it is time to get help.  Your primary care doctor is the place to start.  They can screen you then help you manage your symptoms.

In a recent news feed I read a quote from Prince William regarding Mental Health.  I quote,” We will use our national game to spread the message that mental health isn’t a sad, difficult topic,” Prince William says in the video clip, “ It is just part of everyday life”.  This is a very important message. 

This is just a short article regarding depression.  It happens to all of us at one or another in different stages.  It is nothing to be ashamed of, just one of life’s struggles. To further your knowledge on this topic I have included a another website to read:

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