Category: Technology

Energy, Vibrations & Frequency

Everything has energy! Example, humans, plants, your thoughts, and even the chair you are sitting on right now. They all have electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. It is commonly referred to as a “life force”.

Vibrations are the vibrations of atoms and particles caused by energy. Even solid items like tables have vibrating atoms that receive, store and emit energy. Therefore, everyone and everything has an energy field.(vibrational frequency).

Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) units. Understanding how high and low frequencies interact can be beneficial to your health. A healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz. When your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when disease starts. Your frequency is in relation to your environment. Your environment can contribute to low frequencies and therefore lower your MHz. When this happens your immune system becomes compromised which allows bacteria and viruses to wreak havoc on your body. Trapped emotions can also play a part in compromising your immune system.

What can we do to improve our frequencies?

  • Think positive- Our thoughts are vibrations. Kindness, gratitude, and joy can raise your frequencies. Stay away from negative people.
  • Eat as many live organic foods as you can. Plants have a very high vibration levels
  • Essential oils contain frequencies that are several times greater.
  • If you would like the rest of the list, please email me :; or

Stay safe and watch for more suggestions on how to keep our bodies working to our best self!

Technical Thursday !!!

Today I am going to chat about the ICON again. However, I am going to tell you about my experience using this smartwatch this week. On Friday, I joined a challenge group of my team members. It is called StepItUpSeptember. I have posted my goals for this challenge which are 10,000 steps a day, and to have 100% standing ratio. I haven’t figured out yet how it computes your standing time, but it means you are standing not sitting! I have met my goals 3 out of 5 days not bad since I have a desk job. Here is my picture of yesterday goals.

Now that looks pretty good. Got my steps in, (the last 400 was walking in circles in my driveway at 9:30 pm. hope the neighbors weren’t watching). But what got me was when I looked at my stats this morning, my body fat ratio was within normal range. It was over 45%. WooHoo! Now for the BMI to go down a couple points and I will have increased by wellness tremendously!

Great tool, and all I have done is get moving! If you want more information contact me thru IM!

Have a fabulous week!!!



There are many brands, types and versions of Fitness, Wellness Bands.  Today I am going to review the one I use, and yes I sell. There are many reasons I have chosen the ICON by VYVO.  I have tried many of their products, and have always been amazed at their flexibility and all the secure information I can gather regarding my health.  I can follow and see what exercises are doing the most good, what foods are giving me the best nutrition, and much much more.

The first and most important for me is the security of my data. The VYVO company, uses Blockchain to secure all the data they are gathering from the many products they offer. .  So whichever product you are using, I suggest checking to make sure your data is secure.

What can the ICON do for me?

  1. It does the usual, date, time, blood pressure, heart rate steps.  
  2. Lower right bottom, it shows how many calories burned so far today.  
  3. At the top the green icon, is the air quality number. 92% of the worlds population is exposed to harmful levels of air pollution.  We breath in about 4 million breaths a year without knowing how the air quality affects our bodies, mind and comfort.
  4. Weather-  it shows the temperature and type of weather outside.
  5. You can run an ECG
  6. Also computes body fat
  7. Records, energy levels, and mood!
  8. This watch also hooks into your emails and text messages.

From your watch, you can start any exercise you want, example running, and it will record all the stats of your run.  It will also automatically add this data to the application on your phone where you can compare day to day performances.

Sleep –  how well do you sleep?  The ICON records your sleep – how many hours of deep sleep do you get a night?
It also records the energy levels.
There is so much more to explain, please check out the information visit my VYVO Website:

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