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Everyday useful tips and tricks

5 Steps to Vacation Without Blowing Your Goals

With the traveling season starting, are you worried about keeping the new habits going with all the temptations there are out there? All-inclusive resorts and let’s face it, it’s definitely a challenge to maintain a healthy lifestyle away from home when so much delicious food is available all the time! Fortunately, you will be able to indulge in moderation, celebrate and have fun but still get back on track when you get home.

There’s no secret to staying on track even when you go on vacation – just smart choices! Here are some things to keep in mind while vacationing so you avoid blowing your healthy eating habits.

Step 1: Give yourself a Pass: You’re on vacation! This is a time you have set aside for yourself to relax, so allow yourself to have fun and indulge is moderation in the local foods and drinks. Gracefully accept that you might gain a few pounds but commit to resuming your healthy living the minute your plane touches down back home.

Remember, this isn’t a license to binge or pig-out or throw all caution to the wind. Yes, by all means, release the rules a bit and have fun. But if it’s not mind-blowingly good, don’t eat it.

Don’t beat yourself up while on vacation. That’s no fun! Margaritas and guilt are a terrible combination, so make a point to enjoy yourself. Leave the Food Police at home, locked in a cell, where they belong.

Step 2: Don’t Eat Just for the Sake of Eating: The rules still apply while on vacation: if you’re full, stop eating. Don’t try to get your “moneys worth” of a midnight dessert buffet – just because food is available doesn’t mean that you have to ( or should) eat it. What is important is that you are living healthy and having a great vacation.

When presented with an opportunity to eat, ask yourself if you’re actually hungry. If you aren’t hungry but the food still looks good, consider having a taste without eating the full meal.

Make sure that you indulge mindfully. You can take a thoughtful detour, but don’t run your healthy living car off a cliff. Keep the 80/20 rule in mind while you make 80 percent of your selections healthy, while letting the not-so healthy treats the other 20 percent. If you slide to 70/30 this week, that’s not a big deal. Okay even 60/40 won’t kill you as long as it is in moderation. And no, I’m not going to go all the way down to 50/50, but nice try!

Step 3: Bring Healthy Snacks: I always take my healthy bar, and shakes ( powder form) with me on vacation. This serves many purposes.

First, it means I don’t have to order a stupidly expensive breakfast when I only want or need a few hundred calories.

Second, it’s my built-in safety net which prevents me from becoming ravenous. We all know that will lead to overeating and making bad food choices. Have some pistachios on the beach as a snack so the buffet later doesn’t look like one giant meal just for you. This can be true lifesaver if you’re on a vacation that doesn’t have regular mealtimes, trust me, I’ve learned!

Third, it gives me a little more spending room to enjoy one of those oh-so-fattening drinks that taste like Heaven on vacation. Cheers! Eating a lighter lunch can keep your from completely blowing your healthy eating even while sipping on an adult beverage.

Finally, it guarantees that I always have a healthy meal on hand so I can save the 20 percent indulgences for a later time when I see something I really want to enjoy.

Step 4: Be Creative and Move Your Body: Take advantage of the local environment. For Heaven’s sake, don’t spend your vacation days on a treadmill – get outside and see the sights while going for a run. Go for a hike. swim in the ocean or pool. Jog along the beach or in a park. Be creative and find ways to incorporate some local fun into the everyday activities while burning a few calories.

Step 5: Make it right with the very next bite: The minute you arrive home, you must return to your normal healthy eating plan. I don’t care if you get home on a Friday night. You do not have a license to say,” On Monday….” because that is a slippery slope right back to your before body. If you really want to design, build and live in the body of your dreams, you have to get right back on track.

If you found this information helpful, please join us in our Facebook Group The Bite

What is a Chakra?

I have had many questions regarding chakras lately! From the simple, what is it to what can they do for me?

What exactly is a chakra? – it is a area of the body that has energy. Dating back to the 1500’s BC, in India. Pasted down thru the generations. You have probably heard the term if you have participated in yoga classes.

The 7 Chakras: There are 7 main chakras, from the top of the head to the root of the spine, nestled right through our center. “Chakra” is the Sanskrit word for “wheel,” and refers to vortexes of energy that reside in and correspond to areas that have vital organs, such as the heart, brain, and reproductive organs. 

It is said that when your chakras are healthy and vital, they are “open,” but when energy stagnates, one or more chakras can become blocked, or closed, leading to various physical and emotional symptoms.

Each Chakra has its own color which corresponds to energy and purpose. it’s common for one or more chakras to become “blocked,” which means that we can’t totally live in alignment with our mind, body, and soul. Your health is multidimensional. Do you think it’s a coincidence that there are also 7 chakras that we must keep open and flowing with energy? Nope! In order to maintain our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, we must keep our 7 chakras balanced.

  1. Crown Chakra-Located at the top of the head. Color violet (associated with wisdom, consciousness, transcendence, and meditation.)
  2. Third Eye Chakra-Located in the middle of the forehead. Color Indigo (source of intuition, vision, imagination, and clairvoyance.)
  3. Throat Chakra-located in the throat, Color blue (associated with expression and communication)
  4. Heart Chakra-located at the bodys’ heart center. Color green (associated with affinity, unity, healing, balance, relationships, and compassion.)
  5. Solar Plexas Chakra-located at the upper abdomen. Color yellow (source of power and confidence)
  6. Sacral Chakra- Located at the lower abdomen. Color orange (associated with creativity, emotions, and sensuality)
  7. Root Chakra – located at the base of your spine. Color red (associated with birth, survival, safety, and stability.)

If you would like to learn more about Chakras and how you can “open” and maintain the Chakras for better health, click the button below to receive my list “How to tell if your Chakra is blocked, and how to “open” them. Send me a message in my messenger!

What no one tells you about weight-loss

1. Your body won’t look like you imagined.  All depends on the individual, the amount of weight you lose and the places you carried the weight. Sometimes when I looked in the mirror saw sagging skin, and winkles! But, I replaced those feelings with the gratitude that I am a healthier person and do things I couldn’t when I was  overweight.  Don’t be so hard on yourself, in time those minor blemishes will disappear, keep going and enjoy your new health.

2. People will want to talk about your weight loss. I found it uncomfortable at first then rewarding.  Being overweight, no one talks about it. To me, every comment and conversation was basically an affirmation to how out of control I had let my weight get. I also wasn’t used to compliments about my appearance. I learned how to actually boost by self-esteem and gave me the confidence to continue.

3. Everyone has an opinion or advice and sometimes they suck. Even the well meaning give crappy advice.Some of my personal favorites? “Be careful.. You don’t want to get too skinny!”, “You look fine. I don’t think you have any more weight to lose!”, “You can eat this just this once!”, I think these are self-explanatory as to why these may not come across as helpful and supportive. They mean well, so just acknowledge the help, and know you are doing this for yourself and not for them.

4. You will realize how much you’ve been settling for things. Losing weight gives you a different outlook on life than you may have previously had. I allowed things to happen to me instead of reaching for more and striving for better. Maybe it’s the increase in confidence. Maybe it’s thinking that if you were able to do this, you can do anything you set your mind to.

5. Not all clothes will look good.  You have to learn what clothes look best on your new body! What fun, well sometimes!  As you are losing weight, sometimes it fits my waist, but the butt is too big, or chest fits only to find the body of the shirt is huge.  Don’t get discouraged, you will learn what styles look the best, and now that the fitting rooms are open again, it will make it easier to try one and decide.  My problem now is, clothes that fit are made for younger ladies!  I don’t need a mini-shorts!  Enjoy this time learning about the new you!

Last but not least!  Your relationships may change.  I’ve lost some friends as the common bond of eating out or going to the bars proved stronger than our actual friendship. Other friendships have become even closer as I’ve grown into myself, been able to become a better friend to them or shared our health goals while supporting each other. I’ve made new friends who never knew the over weight me which has felt almost like a fresh start.

Connect with me if you are stumbling with your weight loss-or looking for a coach to help you start your journey! These are only a few of the topics I talk to my clients about.  A good support system is the best way to meet your goals!




10 Reasons to Drink More Water

Reason #1: Water is free (or at least close to free). And I don’t just mean that in the monetary sense. If we’re talking calories…
Water is hands-down the best beverage to choose because it has zero calories.

Reason #2: Water promotes weight loss. Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you think you’re hungry, a big glass of water satisfies the urge to chow down? Very often, thirst is mistaken for hunger, and though you think it’s time for a big, juicy burger, what you really need is a nice, tall glass of ice water.

Reason #3: Water helps you poop. The American Journal of Gastroenterology published a study concluding that water has a bigger impact on your ability to pass waste than the amount of fiber you eat! Now, I’m certainly not saying that fiber isn’t important, but if you want to have good poops, you have to drink plenty of water. That’s enough on that topic because we’re dangerously close to the land of TMI!

Reason #4: Water makes you smarter, happier, and more fun to be around. Many headaches are actually related to dehydration. Since our brains are about 75% water, they need lots of fluid to properly function. Without water, it’s like your brain is “drying out,” and that can cause painful headaches.

Reason #5: Water drinkers have better skin. Now I’m not a scientist, I don’t know exactly why this is the case, but I have experienced it first hand. Years ago, the only things I would drink were Diet Coke, light beer, or cocktails (aka gin & tonic). When I switched over to drinking mostly water (with a few adult beverages sprinkled in here and there), my skin drastically improved. So there.

Reason #6: Water speeds up your metabolism. According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, “researchers estimate that over the course of a year, a person who increases his water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories, for a weight loss of approximately five pounds.” Uh, is that enough reason for you? It is for me!

Reason #7: Water helps release toxins in your body. Since I’m a Florida girl, I’ll use a this analogy: the water flushing through your body is like removing broken auto parts off the freeway. It just gets rid of them so the other cars can continue moving forward.

Reason #8: Water is a superhighway with no traffic (speaking of highways!). It is the primary method of nutrient transportation through your body. Drink more water and your nutrients will more easily be able to float around in a lovely sea of good health – your body.

Reason #9: Water increases energy. Fatigue is very often related to dehydration because your body simply cannot function properly without it. Feel like you’re dragging in the afternoon? Have a big glass of water, see how the perks you up.

Reason #10: Water is a great excuse to carry this year’s most sought-after fashion accessory: the water bottle.

If you need any more convincing after that, you just might be a lost cause! Go forth and drink more water!

For a free health assessment email me at

What Everybody Ought to Know about Pumpkin Seeds!

Potent Source of Many Nutrients

Pumpkin seeds are often overlooked for use in a healthy diet. These little gems contain healthy fats, magnesium and zinc and tryptophan. They also contain carotenoids and vitamin E. Pumpkin seeds are one of the best natural sources of magnesium- a mineral that is often lacking in the diets of many Western populations. Pumpkin seeds provide a good source of fiber. Diets high in fiber are associated with many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

But what will Pumpkin seeds do for me?

Across many cultures they have been used as remedy’s for:

  • Urinary and bladder infections
  • Regulates High blood pressure and sugar
  • Kidney Stones
  • Parasites like warms
  • Reduces inflammation
Great ways to get pumpkin seeds’ small-but-mighty health boost in your diet 
  • Add them to smoothies
  • Mix them into granola, yogurt, or cereal
  • Use them to add some extra crunch to a salad
  • Garnish any meal like soup or chicken dishes or pasta
  • Bake them in cookies and breads
  • Last but not least, eaten before bed may help you get a better nights sleep since they contain Tryptophan, the ingredient found in turkey!

In conclusion: Seeds are a nutritional asset. They offer a great taste and a benefit to our health. With every post, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL resource that you can implement right away. Click here to download your Free 6 super healthy seeds, and a few recipes to get you on your way!

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7 Reasons Senior Dental Care is Important

  1. Tooth Decay – One common reason older adults are at increased risk of cavities is dry mouth.  Medications can cause dry mouth, but also being dehydrated is a major cause that can be reversed by drinking plenty of water during the day.
  2. Gum Disease – known as periodontists, can lead to sore, bleeding gums, chewing problems, and tooth loss, among other health problems. Regular dental visits can help prevent gum disease.
  3. Tooth Loss – is very common in older adults. In fact 1 in 5 adults over 65 have lost all their teeth. This can affect nutrition because they will not be able to manage the foods they enjoy.
  4. Heart Disease – Inflammation caused by gum disease increases the risk of heart disease, and can cause certain heart conditions worse.
  5. Diabetes – People with diabetes are more at risk for gum disease. This is because there is more glucose ( sugar) in their saliva which helps bacteria grow.
  6. Pneumonia – Older adults with poor dental hygiene are more at risk of Pneumonia. This is because as you breathe, bacteria can travel to your lungs.
  7. Oral Cancer – Older adults are at higher risk of oral cancer. Regular visits can help detect problems early!

How to Survive Grocery Shopping

Never shop on Sundays – The store is filled with last minute shoppers and usually people combining their trip to church and grocery shopping for the week. Not to mention the groceries are usually picked through over the weekend! However, that is when I do my shopping, first thing in the morning, while everyone is still in bed! 🙂

Always shop with a list – you can move more efficiently through the store. Group like items on your list and stick to it. I create my menus on Saturday, check to see what I need then shop on Sunday morning.

Never shop hungry!– this is very important. If your hungry everything will look good and you will have a hard time sticking to your list. It will be hard to stick to healthy options, when you are hungry, temptation is so easy to fa;; into.

Bring your own bags-I don’t have to tell you that the plastic bags are bad for the environment.

Start shopping the perimeter first- this is the golden rule! Most grocery stories have fresh vegetables, fruit, then proteins, and dairy on the perimeter walls. These should be the first items you throw into your cart. Shop the isles after, and only select what you have to to prepare your meals.

Grab vegetables from the back of the back of the shelf. It is colder in the back and the vegetables and fruit will be fresher.

Don’t buy it just because its on sale! – this is a hard one for my husband! Check the per ounce cost and compare just because its on sale doesn’t mean its the best buy! Or that you will use it!

Sign up for discount cards-easier than the coupon days

Help the Bagger-I know its their job, but a little kindness can go a long way. Never know when you will need assistance to the car in the future. Plus, they will learn how you like your groceries bagged.

One last hint – to make grocery shopping fun.…….ok, make it bearable since I don’t like grocery shopping……use an app. I use Grocery Gadget…its a great little app. You can create multiple lists. The list is shareable so more than one person can stop and shop. As you shop you click off what is in your basket, and it has a check out feature that clears the list. Also, the items stay in the app so you don’t have to add it again in the future.

Check out this great Menu Board

Energy, Vibrations & Frequency

Everything has energy! Example, humans, plants, your thoughts, and even the chair you are sitting on right now. They all have electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. It is commonly referred to as a “life force”.

Vibrations are the vibrations of atoms and particles caused by energy. Even solid items like tables have vibrating atoms that receive, store and emit energy. Therefore, everyone and everything has an energy field.(vibrational frequency).

Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) units. Understanding how high and low frequencies interact can be beneficial to your health. A healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz. When your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when disease starts. Your frequency is in relation to your environment. Your environment can contribute to low frequencies and therefore lower your MHz. When this happens your immune system becomes compromised which allows bacteria and viruses to wreak havoc on your body. Trapped emotions can also play a part in compromising your immune system.

What can we do to improve our frequencies?

  • Think positive- Our thoughts are vibrations. Kindness, gratitude, and joy can raise your frequencies. Stay away from negative people.
  • Eat as many live organic foods as you can. Plants have a very high vibration levels
  • Essential oils contain frequencies that are several times greater.
  • If you would like the rest of the list, please email me :; or

Stay safe and watch for more suggestions on how to keep our bodies working to our best self!

After a hard day, I don’t want to go to the gym!

You don’t need fancy equipment or machines, tons of space or a gym membership to exercise.

Everyone has time constraints, children, jobs, and just living.

Try these suggestions:

First thing in the morning stretching and cardio set will get your morning going!

  • 1 minute pushup
  • 1 minute plank
  • Rest 1 minute

10 times 

The next morning or evening

10 times 

Another option for weight training is using a resistance bands.  You can find many different ones on Amazon, not expensive. You can find many videos on line to help with how to use resistance bands.

That’s all you need to get started.  Increase reps or you can find many workout apps.  As soon as you make a little time in the morning to move, your on your way.  No need to go full force in the beginning, you will become frustrated and quick.  Take it slow whatever you can do is better than not doing anything at all.

Remember your at home, no one is watching, just do it.  

Waist Size how important is it?

Even if you are not obese, the measurement of your waistline can determine your health even if your not obese. Its a condition called “central obesity” – a concentration of fat around the abdomen.

If your waistline is over 35 inches? It significantly increases the risk of an early death for women over 49, even when they have a normal BMI. Doctors right now use only the BMI to determine percentage of body fat. This is a wake up call to physicians. They shouldn’t be satisfied with just BMI, but to look at fat distribution and waist circumference.

There are hundreds of diets out there that promise a quick and easy way to get that flat stomach. But to lose those love handles the only way is to lose weight, no matter where on the body, is nutrition education, a supportive environment and personal motivation.

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