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Everyday useful tips and tricks

Better Air = Better You

Even if your healthy, the air quality can have an effect on your health. In 2015 researchers found 30,000 American died due to air pollution. These were caused by lung disease, heart attacks, and strokes. The combustion of cars, coal-fired power plants and other industries contribute to the pollutants.

With the regulations the levels have dropped overall, levels in many areas remain high. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the life expectancy drops in the states of Los Angeles, Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. The lowest level was reported in Apache County, Arizonia.

Here are a few things you can do:

  • Walk, bike, carpool, or take public transit.
  • Reduce your heating needs by making your house more energy efficient
  • Say no to backyard burning.
  • Use hand-powered garden tools. Avoid using gasoline or diesel-powered equipment such as lawnmowers and leaf-blowers.
  • Check your tire pressure. Properly inflated tires improve fuel efficiency. Each 5% of under-inflation translates into a 1% decrease in fuel efficiency.
  • And reduce, reuse and recycle!

In your home you can use an air purifier either whole house or at least in your bedroom. Check the ozone listing on your air cleaner. Sometimes the air purifiers give off ozone which is contouring what your trying to do.

Read more, here is an article if you have time on how to improve your in home air:

Steps – how many is enough?

Just how many steps do you need to do to improve your health? I am sure you have either read or heard that you need to reach 10,000 steps a day minimum. That seems to be a huge goal. Anyone reaching even half that amount will see an improvement. According to an article I read from Consumer Reports dated 5/29/2019 by Kevin Loria, researchers studied a group of women average age 72 that counted 4,400 steps per day – that were 41 percent less likely to die over the next 4 years than women who walked approximately 2,700 steps per day.

On that happy note, these are the categories that the medical field uses to classify your activity levels:

Low Active – 5,000 to 7,000 steps per day. The average person walks about 5,900 to 6,900 which puts the majority of the population in the low active category.

Somewhat Active – 7,500 to 9,000 steps per day.

Active – 10,000 steps per day. This is the goal we all should strive for. This includes steps taken during exercise.

Highly Active– 12,500 steps per day.

How do you increase your steps without scheduling gym time?

All you need is to increase your steps for an equivalent of 30 minutes of walking. Even a small increase in steps per day can make a difference in your health. When pulling into a parking lot, don’t take the closest parking spot. Instead drive down the lane and park at least few more spots away. You would be surprised how this one act adds to your steps. Do a lap around the store!

At work, get up from your desk, take a quick walk around the building or around the office. Go grab a cup of coffee or better a glass of water. I set a timer on my phone to get up every 90 minutes. This also helps with focus and eye strain.

I take the dog for a walk first thing in the morning, then another walk after dinner. This gets me out, and adds steps to my day. Another way, may look funny to family members, but pace while watching your favorite show! Who cares what they think, give them something to talk about, you’re increasing your wellness!

You’ve increased your steps, reward yourself, this will keep you motivated and energetic. Happy walking! If you have other ideas to increase your steps, comment below! Always looking for new ideas!

Sleep- How important is it?

If you are like me, sleep can be hard thing to accomplish. There are days where I crash and burn, and sleep like a baby. Then there are nights where I look at the clock every hour on the hour. What did I find in my research to help with this annoying situation?

First, the best move I did was to take the TV out of my bedroom. There are studies that prove having a television in the room disrupts sleep cycles. Give yourself a good hour or two before bed with NO screens meaning phones, tablets, computer or television. The average American spends around five hours watching television a day, plus the time on their computers at work, eye strain is a big concern of healthcare professionals. I have switched to using computer glasses at the office. They have a coating that reduces the blue light. When you have to get new glasses that is a great way to cut the effects of the light from the computer screen. Did you also know that TV + Bedroom = recipe for weight gain? Grab a magazine, book, or listen to music for at least an hour to two before ending your day.

Stick to a sleep schedule- Go to bed and get up at the same time everyday, yes even on weekends. This helps to regulate your body’s clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night. Practice a relaxing night time ritual. Dimming the lights will also help your body realize it is time for bed. The bedroom should be cool, 60 to 67 degrees is the best. I love to keep a window open at night, even if its only a crack, even in the cold winter months. Fresh air will help keep you in a deep sleep.

Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. The life expectancy of a mattress is 9 to 10 years. There are many different kinds, and models. There are also many furniture companies that will let you do a test drive! It is a big investment, take your time and do a little research.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and heavy meals two to three hours before bedtime. Wind down! Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode, so again, spend the last hour away from digital items.

How much sleep do you need? I used to hear from my parents, the older you get the less sleep you need! Not sure that is the case, by what I have been reading. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Many people feel that they can catch up on their sleep on the weekend, but depending on how sleep deprived they are sleeping longer on the weekend may not be adequate. Sticking to your sleep awake cycle is the best.

Tracking Sleep Through Smart Technology

Millions of people are using smartphone apps, bedside monitors, and wearable items (including bracelets, smart watches, and headbands) to informally collect and analyze data about their sleep.  Smart technology can record sounds and movement during sleep, journal hours slept, and monitor heart beat and respiration.  Using a companion app, data from some devices can be synced to a smartphone or tablet, or uploaded to a PC.  Other apps and devices make white noise, produce light that stimulates melatonin production, and use gentle vibrations to help us sleep 

I do recommend the 3 smart watches by VYVO. These health bands offer many ways of tracking your sleep patterns. They offer 3 different models with different price ranges. I use the new ICON. One of the many reasons I purchased my smart watch from VYVO, is because of the security to my information. It is guaranteed that they will not sell my data. You can check out the different models at: At a later date I will go into further details on the differences of the smart watches by VYVO.

I hope these helpful hints have given you some ideas to get a better night of sleep! Until next time, continue your path to a healthier you!

Dry Brushing- the juice cleanse of the beauty world…


  1. Its a great way to exfoliate without using Scrubs:  Scrubs with Micro-beads have been banned for good, body scrubs have turned to other exfoliants to slough away dead skin. Dry Brushing has taken over
  2. It will help tone  up without breaking a sweat.  Dry bushing won’t totally eliminate cellulite also knows as ”orange peel”, but it will mobilize and contribute to the even distribution of fat deposits under the skin – and if you stick with it, its proven to give your limbs a much more cinched and firmer, look and feel.
  3. It can boost your immune system.  Toxins and bacteria and waste from our blood filters go thru our Lymph nodes where they re destroyed.  Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, and helps with  removing the pathogens.


Start at your feet, and work your way up your legs.  Always brush toward your  heart to work with your circulation and your lymphatic system.  Use upward strokes as you move up your body to your arms, heart, and back and brush your stomach and chest using clockwise sweeps.  Adjust the pressure of the brush so it is comfortable yet stimulating.  The easiest time to brush is right before you hop into the shower!  Morning is best.  You will see a rosy glow when you are done.  


Great Stress reducer- Spending a little extra time taking care of yourself can be a form of meditation and a get way of starting the day on a calm & soothing note. Lymphatic Stimulant – as discussed before, helps remove toxins in your system. Cellulite reducer – who doesn’t want to keep the orange peel look at bay!

The best brush

  • Buy a firm natural-bristle brush. Does not need to be expensive
  • Make sure you can get a good grip on the brush
  • I like the ones that fit in the palm of my hand, better control, but everyone is different.

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