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What no one tells you about weight-loss

1. Your body won’t look like you imagined.  All depends on the individual, the amount of weight you lose and the places you carried the weight. Sometimes when I looked in the mirror saw sagging skin, and winkles! But, I replaced those feelings with the gratitude that I am a healthier person and do things I couldn’t when I was  overweight.  Don’t be so hard on yourself, in time those minor blemishes will disappear, keep going and enjoy your new health.

2. People will want to talk about your weight loss. I found it uncomfortable at first then rewarding.  Being overweight, no one talks about it. To me, every comment and conversation was basically an affirmation to how out of control I had let my weight get. I also wasn’t used to compliments about my appearance. I learned how to actually boost by self-esteem and gave me the confidence to continue.

3. Everyone has an opinion or advice and sometimes they suck. Even the well meaning give crappy advice.Some of my personal favorites? “Be careful.. You don’t want to get too skinny!”, “You look fine. I don’t think you have any more weight to lose!”, “You can eat this just this once!”, I think these are self-explanatory as to why these may not come across as helpful and supportive. They mean well, so just acknowledge the help, and know you are doing this for yourself and not for them.

4. You will realize how much you’ve been settling for things. Losing weight gives you a different outlook on life than you may have previously had. I allowed things to happen to me instead of reaching for more and striving for better. Maybe it’s the increase in confidence. Maybe it’s thinking that if you were able to do this, you can do anything you set your mind to.

5. Not all clothes will look good.  You have to learn what clothes look best on your new body! What fun, well sometimes!  As you are losing weight, sometimes it fits my waist, but the butt is too big, or chest fits only to find the body of the shirt is huge.  Don’t get discouraged, you will learn what styles look the best, and now that the fitting rooms are open again, it will make it easier to try one and decide.  My problem now is, clothes that fit are made for younger ladies!  I don’t need a mini-shorts!  Enjoy this time learning about the new you!

Last but not least!  Your relationships may change.  I’ve lost some friends as the common bond of eating out or going to the bars proved stronger than our actual friendship. Other friendships have become even closer as I’ve grown into myself, been able to become a better friend to them or shared our health goals while supporting each other. I’ve made new friends who never knew the over weight me which has felt almost like a fresh start.

Connect with me if you are stumbling with your weight loss-or looking for a coach to help you start your journey! These are only a few of the topics I talk to my clients about.  A good support system is the best way to meet your goals!




Microbiome what is it?

I’m sure you have heard all the words….leaky gut, probiotics, IBS, Gerd!!! Just to name a few! But what is it and what should I do about it?

There are many commercials on the television regarding these issues. They even have a emoji for it…💩. First here the facts:

Microbiome is the genetic material of all microbes-bacteria, fungi protozoa and viruses that live on and inside the human body. The number of genes in all microbes in one person’s micrbiome is 200 times the number of genes in the human genome. What does that mean? Well, all these micros live in you body, mostly in your stomach, they are like little creatures that help break down the food in your stomach and intestines. Once your food is broken down it can then be absorbed into your blood stream to nourish your body.

Symptoms of an unhealthy gut: 1. Upset stomach, or disturbances like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and heartburn 2. A high-sugar diet 3. Unintentional weight changes 4. Sleep disturbances or constant fatigue 5. Skin irritation 6. Autoimmune conditions 7. Food intolerances

Five Steps to optimal digestive health: 1. Eat whole, unprocessed foods 2. Eliminate food allergies 3. Treat any infections 4. Replenish your digestive enzymes 5. Get good fat….(avocados, yogurt)

Hope this information is helpful, do a search in google for more information and remember 💩 is a good thing!

Check out this cute youtube =

Morning Routine – Do you have one?

What is the Perfect Routine?

Everyone is different, but this is what my morning looks like.

  • First thing in the morning I drink a glass of water before I even get out of bed.  I bring a glass of water to bed with me every night. Drinking a glass of water first thing helps with dehydration.  During the night our organs are detoxing and using every drop of fluid to clean and regenerate our cells. Wake up every day at the same time.  Even on weekends, waking at the same time helps with your body regulate your inner clock.
  • Get out of bed!  I take a walk first thing. We walk the dog, living in Miami, we can walk almost every day.  Depending on the day, we walk from 25 to 45 minutes a day.  
  • Because I am an introvert ( I recharge by being by myself more about this in a coming blog), I take about 30 minutes to look at my calendar, write down my 3 most important things I need to take care of today, and then start to fill my calendar with to -do’s.  I always leave some buffer time to relax and get away from everything. I then write in my gratitude journal, at least 2 things I am grateful for today., and then at least 1 accomplishment from the past. Confidence builder!
  • A brief stretch, and few minutes of yoga helps get the blood flowing
  • Then it’s time for my shower and while showering, I remind myself , “ If today was the last day of your life, would you still want to do what your about to do today?”  Sometimes I make changes most of the time, I’m ready to start my day.
  • Upon returning to the kitchen, I go over my day with my husband, and we discuss what we each have going on.  Again,sometimes my calendar changes, and sometimes his does. I am doing intermittent fasting so ( more on this in a future blog) I do not have breakfast until 11:30.  I grab my yogurt, and away I go to work.
  • During the day, I take a few minutes to go for a brisk walk, or do a little bouncing on a rebounder, or stretch at my desk.   

How do you start your day?  

Other articles to help you design your best day!

Have a FABULOUS Day!

Technical Thursday – DNA Testing

Health and wellness have certainly changed through the years!  We are now in the Self-Care era! We have access to the internet, and lots of information from news media, magazines and social media.  Every Thursday, I have set aside to be known as Technical Thursday.

I would like to share one form of DNA testing.  I have used Smartlife DNA from VYVO, about a year ago to find out what I need to do to help my body function at its prime.  We have all heard of DNA testing to find out our heritage, but this is different.

The importance of Genetics: The answers lie in your genes.

DNA is the genetic material in your cells that determine your traits.  You inherit this genetic material half from your mother and half from your father.  It governs your physical appearance like your skin color, hair color and height, as well as your predisposition to certain health conditions. 

They evaluate the following which are influenced by your genes:

  • Increased blood cholesterol
  • General obesity index
  • Relative resting metabolic rate
  • Fast twitch muscle fiber activity
  • Vitamin (eg. A,D) and folate/folic acid metabolism
  • Addictive behaviors
  • And more!

Your report also helps you understand the interactions between your genes, diet and exercise in terms of:

  • Sugar and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Alcohol and caffeine metabolism
  • Dietary fat intake and response to blood cholesterol
  • Lactose intolerance and bone health
  • Exercise potential with power and endurance
  • And More!

Contact me for more information, or visit  Select DNA.

I have a few free kits, comment on this blog, and I will contact you to mail your free swab kit.    

Grounding -What is it?

Grounding, also called earthing, is when you are in direct contact with the earth for a period of time. Being in direct contact, meaning nothing between you and earth like being barefoot, has many benefits.

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves blood flow
  • Reduces Physical pain
  • Reduces emotional stress
  • Regulates cortisol
  • Improves sleep

How does it work?

The earth, as you know, has a magnetic field. It gives off negative ions. Thats why when you are in the woods, or on the beach, you feel relaxed. Nature also creates the negative ions. Our ancestors walked around barefoot and slept on the ground. They were living outside and getting all of that good energy from the earth and the negative ions from nature around them. It only makes sense that this would have positive health benefits.

Positive ions are produced by electronics like your television and cell phones. NASA studies have looked into the effects of spending long periods of time in confined metal spaces, and they found that this led to health issues like fatigue, bone loss, overactive adrenal glands, disrupted sleep cycles, and worsened immune function. 

Find some time and walk in nature to recharge your body. Here in Miami with all the concrete buildings and lots of sidewalks, I started to feel run down and tired all the time. I now take a walk at least 3 or 4 times a week for 20 minutes in the park, take my shoes off and let my feet feel the grass. If this is not possible, and sometimes life gets in the way, I use a grounding mat. Not sure if it helps, but I do feel a bit more relaxed. I use it at work, under my desk, and let my barefoot rest on it.

Here is what I purchased:

So you want to become healthier–but you have no time!

This seems to be the comment I get all the time.  There is so much information out there, you don’t know which way to turn.  Not to mention conflicting ideas of what is healthy and what is not.  One week eggs are no good for you, the next it is the best food. 

This blog is dedicated to you! A quick read of information I have accumulated over the years, what works for me and what might work for you.  I will also post what I have tried and you can make your own decisions.  If there is a topic that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to email me. 

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