Grounding, also called earthing, is when you are in direct contact with the earth for a period of time. Being in direct contact, meaning nothing between you and earth like being barefoot, has many benefits.

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves blood flow
  • Reduces Physical pain
  • Reduces emotional stress
  • Regulates cortisol
  • Improves sleep

How does it work?

The earth, as you know, has a magnetic field. It gives off negative ions. Thats why when you are in the woods, or on the beach, you feel relaxed. Nature also creates the negative ions. Our ancestors walked around barefoot and slept on the ground. They were living outside and getting all of that good energy from the earth and the negative ions from nature around them. It only makes sense that this would have positive health benefits.

Positive ions are produced by electronics like your television and cell phones. NASA studies have looked into the effects of spending long periods of time in confined metal spaces, and they found that this led to health issues like fatigue, bone loss, overactive adrenal glands, disrupted sleep cycles, and worsened immune function. 

Find some time and walk in nature to recharge your body. Here in Miami with all the concrete buildings and lots of sidewalks, I started to feel run down and tired all the time. I now take a walk at least 3 or 4 times a week for 20 minutes in the park, take my shoes off and let my feet feel the grass. If this is not possible, and sometimes life gets in the way, I use a grounding mat. Not sure if it helps, but I do feel a bit more relaxed. I use it at work, under my desk, and let my barefoot rest on it.

Here is what I purchased:

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