Just how many steps do you need to do to improve your health? I am sure you have either read or heard that you need to reach 10,000 steps a day minimum. That seems to be a huge goal. Anyone reaching even half that amount will see an improvement. According to an article I read from Consumer Reports dated 5/29/2019 by Kevin Loria, researchers studied a group of women average age 72 that counted 4,400 steps per day – that were 41 percent less likely to die over the next 4 years than women who walked approximately 2,700 steps per day.

On that happy note, these are the categories that the medical field uses to classify your activity levels:

Low Active – 5,000 to 7,000 steps per day. The average person walks about 5,900 to 6,900 which puts the majority of the population in the low active category.

Somewhat Active – 7,500 to 9,000 steps per day.

Active – 10,000 steps per day. This is the goal we all should strive for. This includes steps taken during exercise.

Highly Active– 12,500 steps per day.

How do you increase your steps without scheduling gym time?

All you need is to increase your steps for an equivalent of 30 minutes of walking. Even a small increase in steps per day can make a difference in your health. When pulling into a parking lot, don’t take the closest parking spot. Instead drive down the lane and park at least few more spots away. You would be surprised how this one act adds to your steps. Do a lap around the store!

At work, get up from your desk, take a quick walk around the building or around the office. Go grab a cup of coffee or better a glass of water. I set a timer on my phone to get up every 90 minutes. This also helps with focus and eye strain.

I take the dog for a walk first thing in the morning, then another walk after dinner. This gets me out, and adds steps to my day. Another way, may look funny to family members, but pace while watching your favorite show! Who cares what they think, give them something to talk about, you’re increasing your wellness!

You’ve increased your steps, reward yourself, this will keep you motivated and energetic. Happy walking! If you have other ideas to increase your steps, comment below! Always looking for new ideas!

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